
The future of recruitment: AI-powered talent acquisition and engagement

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Graham Newman is joined by Tom Heath, former global head of talent acquisition at Yield App and director of business development at Adecco, Thailand. They explore how generative AI is used for talent acquisition, improving candidate screening, and ensuring diversity and inclusivity, and why all this is not quite what it seems in the recruitment industry. The discussion also covers AI’s role in accelerating hiring processes, enhancing employee engagement, and future trends in AI-driven recruitment. Join us for insights into the future of talent acquisition and engagement.


AI recruitment, Talent acquisition, Human resources 


Hello and welcome to Hacking Kaizen, I’m Graham Newman. Today we’re with Tom Heath, former global head of talent acquisition at Yield App and director of business development at Adecco, Thailand. We delve into the exciting and rapidly evolving world of AI in talent acquisition, which is transforming the recruitment landscape, albeit with some growing pains.

The recruitment industry acknowledges the frenetic pace of technological change, which can be daunting for many. While organisations and individuals are playing catch-up, there is a palpable fog of uncertainty about the full potential of these new technologies. 

So how might we be critical and question AI’s role in candidate screening and selection, noting the inherent biases in many AI-driven screening tools? While these tools can handle basic tasks, they often fail to enhance diversity and inclusivity, areas where human judgement is still crucial. As the AI recruitment industry matures, it is expected these tools to become more sophisticated and better aligned with organisational goals.

Discover how a blend of advanced technology and human insight is set to reshape the future of talent acquisition and management in the recruitment industry. Stay tuned for an enriching discussion.

Tom Heath on LinkedIn

Reading list

Kurzweil, R., 2024. The Singularity Is Nearer: When We Merge with AI. New York: Viking.

Tapscott, A.,2023. Web3: Charting the Internet’s Next Economic and Cultural Frontier. New York: Harper Business.